SPAC International's Drug Adherence and Chronic Care Management
Sargas Pharmaceutical Adherence and Compliance (SPAC) International's Chronic Care Management (CCM) and Drug Adherence m Health applications along with 24 hour medication treatment monitoring help automate the process of non face-to-face monitoring of twenty minutes per month.
"With this new release of our apps, doctors are now well prepared to deliver chronic care management services along with our ONCHIT certified Physician, Pharmacy and Patient portals that help automate this entire process," said Git Patel, CEO of SPAC International. "Our team of developers, staff and advisory board worked hard to release these apps to assist Doctors with a tool that helps them capture revenue while delivering better outcomes to patients." Medicare released CPT code 99490 effective January 1st, 2015 for doctors to bill CCM services to Medicare patients with two or more chronic conditions. SPAC CCM Portals help automate this process along with the m Health applications that have received FDA approval. "We are the first company to have developed the caregiver option for patients who may not be smart phone savvy, where their family member can monitor their mom or dad who have chronic conditions in real time. This care coordination by caregivers, our clinical teams and patient engagement with their physicians, reduces health care costs and provides better quality of life."
"SPAC's technology is at the forefront of Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 such that it is interoperable among providers and can collect, share and use the health data to improve health, healthcare and reduce costs," Patel added.
These Apps are currently only available to Medicare patients with two or more chronic conditions through their physicians. Patient has to be connected to their doctor and pharmacy before they can download their app. Co-pay requirements may apply. More than 20 million Medicare patients are eligible to receive CCM service that is covered by Medicare.
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